
Ecstasy Of Life.

Find ecstasy in life. The mere sense of living is joy enough.
-Emily Dickinson

Style Card

Body Suit: Maitreya Bodysuit delaRuche - Golden NEW!
Socks: Maitreya Allure Stockings - Neutral02 NEW!
Earrings:> alaMood < Sophia Fleur Gold-Black
Bangle:> alaMood < Sophia Fleur Gold-Black/Gold Bangles
Bag:LG Boutique_Eunique bag beanie black NEW!
Head Piece: LaGyo_Pure
Tears:LaGyo CIRCUS_Pierrot tears

Style/Photography/Model By Ipanemagirl Bing
Pose&P.S Edition By Nitro Sonic <3!!


Follow Your Dreams.

I am not a realist girl. I never have been, and never will be.
We begin with a dream, developing and advancing in our dream, in hopes of a metamorphosis, in which, our dream blooms into reality.
If you dream, do not dream what is considered possible, but what is considered impossible. Do not let reality invade the heart of your dream, there is no one who has the right to steal your dreams from you. <333

Style Card

Skyn:LAQ Elena NEW!
Hair: BooN
Dress:(Kunglers Couture) Zeta - silver
Earrings:[glow] Pure Shellfish Earrings LIGHT
Shoes:Maitreya Gold - IXkin Pear

Style/Photographer/Model By Ipanemagirl Bing
P.S Edition: Nitro Sonic<3!


*MUISM* Waistcoats!!!

"Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Style Card:
Waiscoats: *Muism* Waistcoat/Champagne, *Muism* Waistcoat/Violet, *Muism* Waistcoat/Rose <333!> alaMood < Sophia Fleur Gold-Black Skyn: LAQ ~ Pearl - [Milky] Glow skin Hair: [LeLutka]-PONY UP/blonde_FAIR


Poses/PS Edition By NITRO SONIC ty so much Nitro!<3

More From Me: http://www.ipanemagirlbing.com <333!

What you are comes to you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
(Lo que eres viene a ti)