
Everything is a miracle.

There are only two ways to live your life; one as though nothing is a miracle. the other as if everything is. -albert einstein
...When I was a girl, they told me to be practical...I chose to be a dreamer... and for me Life is a miracle, Everything is a miracle.

the tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. - unknown

Style Card:

Pic 01:Skyn: [LeLutka]-LOLA_skissed
Hair:[LeLutka]-LOLA Nimph_ BLOND_Sunkissed

Pic 02: Skyn: [LeLutka]-LOLA_skissed
Hair: 69 Diva in Black
Jacket: [LeL.Ultra]-Postal_Jacket_black

Style/Model/Photography By Ipanemagirl Bing
P.S By Nitro Sonic!<3

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