
The Only Magic

*Bliss Couture* Mohair Dress!

Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
— Buddha

Style Card

Hair Accesorie: Vain - aLaChanel HeadPiece By Toko Voom
Hair: [LeLutka]-ECLAT HAIR_L_01 dark
Tears: LaGyo CIRCUS_Pierrot tears
Dress: *Bliss Couture* Mohair Dress (Black) NEW!!!
Gloves: LeLutka
Bag: =DeLa*= Clutch "Chanel" Black
Leggings: Emery - Leggings Broken #Black
Hells: Maitreya Gold - Esprit-Xtd Noir

Photographer, Style & Model By Ipanemagirl Bing<3

More from Me: http://www.ipanemagirlbing.com

"Love give me strength, and strength will help me through."
-Romeo and Juliet

2 comentarios:

Linka dijo...

I love this look

Ipanemagirl Bing dijo...

HOOOOOOoooo!!!:))) <3<3<3